Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Three Tombs Of Jesus!

Three tombs was made for Jesus? Was it really three tombs that was made for Jesus? If so, was He once in any of these, or probably still lies buried in one of these three tombs? What really can we gain from this?. If these questions comes to your mind, then I think you should read on...
The first tomb that was being made, was the one that Jesus was buried in thousands of years ago. Just beyond the Dung gate at the northern entrance to the old city (Jerusalam), however, is a garden with a tomb hewn out of a rock consistent with the tomb of Jesus spoken of in the Gospel (luke 23:53), (The protestants will tell you that this is the true tomb of Jesus.), He was in this tomb for three days(approximately), He rose on the third day as a result of Him being victorious over death. Wow, who can beat this? He surely is powerful.
The second tomb is the one made by the catholic church, if you visit the catholic church of the holy sepulchre, you will be taken down to a tomb below the ground which is said to be His burial place, probably as a source of remembrance of the death and resurection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The third and the last tomb created for Jesus is the tomb in Medina made by the Muslims in hope that Jesus is coming back again. An empty place beside the tomb of Muhammad was reserved for Jesus. According to Quran commentator Baidawi, Jesus will return to the Holy Land to kill the Antichrist, and rule for 40 years, then help turn everyone toward Islam so Islam rules the world. Then Jesus is going to experience death, then be buried next to Muhammad.
Which one of these three is the true tomb of Jesus? Well, all of them is, in one way or the other, but the first tomb mentioned is the certified and generally known one(If you have the best answer to this, you can comment at the end of the post, and share with all. Thanks).
The good news is that of this three tombs made for Jesus, He fills none of them! He is alive, in heavenly glory, having risen from the dead never to die again.. Can you see a signal of victory and triumph for you and I? The resurection of Jesus fully complements His work on earth and death on the cross of calvary, it proves His power to save and forgive sin. The Bible asserts, "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins" (1 Corinthians 15:17). By rising from the dead, Jesus proved His authority and power to break the bonds of sin, and to assure forgiveness, and eternal life to all who accept His gift of salvation. The Resurrection revealed Christ's power over death. The Bible records, "Christ rose from the dead and will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him" (Romans 6:9, TLB). The Resurrection secured our victory over death as well and "lifted us up from the grave into glory along with Christ, where we sit with him in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 2:6). The Resurrection defeated God's enemy. From the moment of his original rebellion until the day of the Cross, the devil fought viciously, and cunningly to overthrow the kingdom of God. Satan must have thought he had dealt the final, and decisive blow in this age-old war. But this was the devil's most serious mis-calculation. The Cross was heaven's triumph. And when Jesus Christ arose, the power of sin and death was forever shattered. Because of the Resurrection, Christians(and anyone that accepts the gift of Salvation of Jesus Christ) need never fear Satan or death again.
[Feel from to post your comments and share your thoughts below,Thanks.] comments

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