Saturday, 5 October 2013

Who Is Satan?: What Does the Bible Say About the Devil?

Some people's belief is that Satan is like a little red guy with horns (probably two), who sits by your shoulder urging you to sin. But this actually is not the portrait of Satan. The Bible gives us the clear portrait of who Satan is, and also how he affects our lives.
Satan means "the adversary" in Hebrew. He is also called the devil, from a Greek word meaning "false accuser."
The Bible defines Satan as an angelic being who fell from his position in heaven due to sin and is now completely opposed to God, doing all in his power to thwart God's purposes.
Satan was created as a holy angel. Isaiah 14:12 makes us to know that his initial name is Lucifer(Lucifer means ''light-bringing'' or' 'morning star''). Also in Ezekiel 28: 12-14 , we are made to know that he was created a cherubim, and the highest created of all other angels. He was the next in command after God. Lucifer was once the most beautiful angel in all of existence.
He became arrogant in his beauty and status, and decided he wanted to sit on a throne above that of God (Isaiah 14: 13-14 ; Ezekiel 28:15; 1 Timothy 3:6). Satan and his angels fell because of their desire to be like God, to oppose his authority, and to set themselves up as masters of their own destiny (Isaiah 14: 12-14 , 2peter 2:4).
Because of his pride and sin, God permanently removed him from his exalted position and role. He then came to this earth and became the ruler of this world and the prince of the power of the air ( John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2).
Even though he was cast out of heaven, he still seeks to elevate his throne above God. He counterfeits all that God does, hoping to gain the worship of the world and encourage opposition to God's kingdom. He is willing to do anything and everything in his power to oppose God and those who follow God. He also delights in accusing the saved of sins that have been forgiven.
Today, Satan continues to use demons to cause havoc and destruction in the world and sometimes employs human agents. His power is not equal to God's, however. He is also known as: Apollyon, Beelzebub, Belial, Dragon, Enemy, Power of darkness, Prince of this world, Serpent, Tempter, god of this world, Wicked One.
The demons mentioned throughout the Bible are evil spirits ruled by Satan (Matthew 12: 24-27 ). And these are believed to be the fallen angels he lured away from heaven. Revelation 12:9; ''The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.''
Throughout the gospels, demons not only knew Jesus Christ's true identity but cowered before His authority as God. However, Satan's destiny is sealed—an eternity in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10), and also, through the death and resurrection of Christ, Satan's ultimate destruction is assured.
Satan first appears in Genesis 3 as a serpent tempting Eve to sin. In the book of Job, he afflicts the righteous man Job with several calamities, trying to turn him away from God. Another noted act of Satan occurs in the Temptation of Christ, recorded in Matthew 4: 1-11 , Mark 1: 12-13 , and Luke 4: 1-13 . Satan also tempted the Apostle Peter to deny Christ, and entered into Judas Iscariot.
Satan's most powerful tool is deceit, and his greatest advantage is that many people do not believe he exists. Satan is cunning, intelligent, powerful, resourceful, and perseverant. He is also an accuser (Revelation 12:10), a tempter (Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5), and a deceiver (Genesis 3; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 20:3).
Over the centuries he has been portrayed so often as a caricature with horns, a spiked tail and a pitchfork that millions consider him a myth. However, Jesus took him very seriously. Matthew 4:10; ''Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.' "
As the master deceiver, Satan attacks Christians with lies and doubts. Our protection comes from the Holy Spirit, who lives inside each believer, as well as the Bible, the reliable source of truth.
The Holy Spirit stands ready to help us fight temptation. James 4:7 says; ''Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.'' Despite Satan's lies, every believer can trust that their future is secure in heaven through God's plan of salvation. comments

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